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the matrix plan


4. November 2002
Hammer-hart! (Hea-vy!!)

Is' zwar alles 'n bisschen kompliziert für meinen ungebildeten und missbrauchten Schädel, aber essenziell schon hammerhart. Die Connections sind ja eindeutig. Hab' ich's doch gewusst dass wir tatsächlich in 'ner Matrix leben... zwar in unserem eigenen Fleisch & Blut, aber unsere Wahrnehmungen auf jeden fall stark beeinflusst. Geht ja auch schon alles ziemlich früh los: Die Gehirnwäsche durch ständige bestrahlung aus der Glotze; Der Seich von wegen Evolution u. so in der Schule (den die Insider selber nicht glauben aber sonst so ziemlich alle: Gutes Buch - oh, forgot this is the English forum: a recommendable book on the subject: "Tornado In A Junkyard" by james Perloff!). Sorry about that bilingual blooper...
Thanks for the link!


4. November 2002
I Know!

Especially the sound of music that's engulfing us from all sides,
with lyrics no one understands 'cause the songs are written in witch language... not to mention the hypnotic effects of techno & the downright satanic messages of heavy Metal bands like Metallica & the like...
Casting spells over records sure makes 'em sell! Buy a record, get a demon for free!


Meister des Tabernakels
10. April 2002
techno may be hypnotic for robots....Metallica may contain satanic messages for some hardcore-christians....but witch language?!?
Witches are not real.So called witches were men and women with an open mind for nature and themselves....a thorn in the church's flesh which only can use and abuse dumb masses.

"Satan looks like a fried chicken in face of your sadistic God(s)"


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
15. April 2002
Re: I Know!

McDozer schrieb:
Especially the sound of music that's engulfing us from all sides,
with lyrics no one understands 'cause the songs are written in witch language... not to mention the hypnotic effects of techno & the downright satanic messages of heavy Metal bands like Metallica & the like...
Casting spells over records sure makes 'em sell! Buy a record, get a demon for free!

Words have power and so does sound. But distinguish good from evil. What does somebody say and how does somebody offer it to the people...


4. November 2002
Happy New Year...

It's been a while, but my computer crashed at one point & I'm just getting around again & retrieving lost links & such. Well, from your last message, you sound to me like you could be a "practicer" yourself, or what Christians would call a witch... of course, witches don't exist... do they? In general, there seem to be a lot more people on this site who seem to share your opinion, & I'm only beginning to understand why... The German people certainly have had a lot more background than others & the "Matrix" is stronger here than almost anywhere else I've been. Too sad most people just silently accept it instead of attempting to break free of it...


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
15. April 2002
Hi McDozer!

Welcome back on stage!
Your comp crashed and I haven't got a running one so I sit in an internetcafe.
Talking about the matrix plan and religion in general: religion as used today or in ancient times - especially 'mass'religions - are led by a few. By not saying much their words can still have great impact. Why? They know how 'their' religion and 'man' work (together). The danger of abuse is big, very big. In the US, talking about my experience, many leaders use and handle with the power of 'book of revelation'. So many fundamentalistic believers over there just wait for the endtime, even big movies deal with that. One might say this phenomenon could be taken es proof of magic power. Whatever. What is witchcraft? - For example: Moses in the Old Testament might well perform the role model of a wizard - he even has got a 'magic stick'. Paul (or Saul) in the New Testament sais in, I think it is Acts 7, 22 that Moses was introduced in the Secrets of the Egyptians. Interesting, isn't it? Now, is the Bible full of magic or is it not?



Ritter der Sonne
12. Mai 2002
well interesting...

i think most people talking here are germans.... perhaps we should take that theme to a broader audience while diskussing in a german enviroment.

oder wollen wir uns wirklich verbiegen und hier in einer fremdsprache komplexe zusammenhänge diskutieren? :wink:


4. November 2002
Well, guess they should have worked a little harder at their English!
(Couldn't re-open the link anymore, though, what happened?)
Anyway, our discussion, Streicher: First of all, I discovered a little more about what you initially said about sounds on websites on the theme of mind control... it ranges from all kinds of torturous practices to microwaves... No wonder people flare up into shitty moods spontaneously so often, for no apparent reason. Then the Bible thing: I know some people want to give the Illuminati or Elders the credit for the GoodBook, but all I can say is, they WISH they had! Sure, they're infiltrating the churches & buying the cults or creating new ones, basically confusing the masses, but remember, Moses' snake ate up Pharaoh's!
Sure the Bible's full of magic, the only question is: Who's the true Master Magician & who's the imposter? Now, if the Devil (Lucifer) is the god of this World, & Jesus a poor crucified carpenter, it's obvious which choice most people would make... and, okay, if it HAS to be Jesus, let's make the cross more attractive & shiney, with neon lights & stuff...
Only the elect can see through the matrix, cause Lucy's pretty good at the job. But is he gonna be good enough?


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
15. April 2002
McDozer schrieb:
Sure the Bible's full of magic, the only question is: Who's the true Master Magician & who's the imposter? Now, if the Devil (Lucifer) is the god of this World, & Jesus a poor crucified carpenter, it's obvious which choice most people would make... and, okay, if it HAS to be Jesus, let's make the cross more attractive & shiney, with neon lights & stuff...

'Think that some follow that idea. Surprisingly lots of people doing that seem to come out of Japan - making music (reminds of the importance of sound), talking about 'melting', wearing crosses in most 'attractive ways addressing the people. And they talk about Jesus. One can find hints, and it is told by some that Jesus reincarnated in Japan. Interesting enough. I think the harmonies and dissonances going on are sometimes more complex that someone might think at first. Have you read the German 'version' of the discussion about the matrix plan yet? :wink:


4. November 2002
German Version...

Been there, but the link to the site didn't open there, either... pity, as I would have liked to add that file to my collection. I'm working on a compilation of material on the (soon to be vanishing) illusion of money, & some of that stuff might come in handy.
As far as the Japanese go: I was actually more referring to our "Las Vegas" type evangelists. But I guess some Japanese find that approach attractive, too. Gotta give Germans the credit for this: they're way too negative to swallow that kind of baloney... (most of'em, anyway. Besides, socker & beer is all the religion you need, right?)

P.S.: Just tried & got to the link again... goodie.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
15. April 2002
I'm working on a compilation of material on the (soon to be vanishing) illusion of money, & some of that stuff might come in handy

Sounds good. Money was introduced to lead to inequality. I hope one day I can live without it.

I was actually more referring to our "Las Vegas" type evangelists.

The ones Phil Collins sang about. :-> There are some like that here but not on TV. In crisis-times preachers and prophets can become quite political like in this church: evangeliumszentrum: a lady told the community to pray for the American President before the fire was opened on Afghanistan in October 7st in 2001. All the sudden there was no religious church but a political church, marketing and showmastering. Opinions somehow not wanted.

Besides, socker & beer is all the religion you need, right?)

Don't forget cars. :->
No, luckely, there is more to that. And some - hopefully a growing number - do not need religion.

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