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BinLaden gefasst ?


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Die Meldung ist schon eine Woche alt und meines Wissens bereits widerlegt!

War vermutlich nur ne Ablenkungsaktion!

Habt ihr schon gehört, dass die angebliche Verhaftung des "Topterroristen" Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in Pakistan möglicherweise so gar nicht stattgefunden hat?



16. Dezember 2002
:arrow: truth-searcher:
was meinst du mit " so nicht stattgefunden"; Quelle ?

Ich fand folgende, aufschlussreiche Site: http://www.fitug.de/debate/0303/msg00082.html
Zitat daraus:
Das weltweite US-Abhörsystem Echelon hat angeblich zur spektakulären Festnahme des El-Kaida-Chefplaners Khalid Sheikh Mohammed beigetragen. Mehr als zehn Handys, die Sheikh Mohammed nutzte, konnten von Echelon abgehört und geortet werden, wie das US-Wochenmagazin "US News and World Report" berichtete. Die Fahnder hätten mit Hilfe des Satelliten- Lauschsystems monatelang die Spur des El-Kaida-Chefplaners vor dessen Festnahme am 1. März in Pakistan verfolgen können.


Vollkommener Meister
17. April 2002
Tja, es gibt da so einige Versionen und Zweifel!


ISLAMABAD: A grainy video purporting to show the arrest of two Al Qaeda leaders has done little to deflect accusations that Pakistan may have staged this month’s raid to give it leeway to abstain in a UN vote on an Iraq war.

On Monday, the powerful military Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) held an unprecedented news conference to show foreign journalists what it said were images of a March 1 raid in Rawalpindi that netted Al Qaeda kingpin Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. But few of journalists present were convinced the video — which did not show Mohammed’s face nor any sign of a struggle — was genuine. Many said it looked like a crude reconstruction. ..
Gul said news of the arrest appeared to have been leaked at a critical time, just as Pakistan was facing huge US pressure to support a UN Security Council vote authorising war on Iraq.

The ISI earlier said it had called its first news conference in Pakistan’s history to counter criticism in the Western media that it had not done enough in the war on terror. Gul said the raid may have been staged — and news of the arrest leaked — for the same reason, against the backdrop of the UN vote. . ...

Gul, who ran the ISI from 1987 to 1989, said the raid was conducted in far too casual a fashion to have been real, with police failing to properly surround or secure the house in a middle-class Rawalpindi suburb.

Relatives, neighbours contradict authorities: Relatives of Ahmed Quddus, the son of the house owner, have maintained he was the only man in the house at the time of the raid. Neighbours said they heard no sound of gunfire — contradicting the official account, which maintains that Mohammed shot one intelligence agent in the foot with an AK-47 rifle.

Within hours, news of the raid and arrest was leaked to foreign news agencies, something Gul also found incredible. “He has to be questioned, before you present him to the public eye,” he said. “You don’t present news like that.” —Reuters


PESHAWAR-- Information collected from different sources suggest that terror suspect, Khalid Sheikh Muhammad's family belonged to Panjgor district of Balochistan province and the wanted al-Qaeda member spent several years in Peshawar during resistance against the Soviet forces in Afghanistan.

Arab and Afghan sources close to Khalid Sheikh Muhammad told The News that details made available by the government about the age along with the photograph revealed that the person arrested in Rawalpindi was not Khalid.

The sources said that the Kuwait born Khalid, who is a Baloch by origin, was in his late 40s and has not been arrested so far. "His actual name is Khalid and Sheikh Muhammad is his father," claimed a Taliban spokesman and an Arab source pleading anonymity. ......

Gibt noch ne Menge mehr links, die das anzweifeln!



Geheimer Meister
29. Januar 2003
Oh Man,liess nicht immer die "Pravda",die sind so wahr wie Amizeitschriften mit Sachen wie "Riesenkäfer aus dem Weltall schwängert Hausfrau" :lol:

Ausserdem ist Bin Laden noch nicht gefasst,aber das A-Team ist ihm dicht auf den Fersen,sagen die zumindestens.Anyway wenn man ihn hat wird man die Nachricht nicht geheimhalten,sondern sie überall herausposaunen.

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