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Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Die Fraktion werde ich schon überzeugen. Es sind doch nur ein paar Hanseln, die mich kritisieren.

Otto Schily im Interview mit dem Spiegel.

Ihr Vorschlag, Auffanglager in Afrika zu gründen, sorgte vor einem Jahr für Aufregung. Frankreich und Spanien lehnten das ab. Finden Sie nun Zustimmung?

Schily: Zumindest haben wir heute schon eine andere Debatte. Aber um das zum hundertsten Mal klarzustellen: Das Wort "Lager" habe ich nie verwendet. Ich spreche von Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Anlaufstellen.

Otto Schily im Interview mit der FAZ.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Im Folgenden einige Zitate aus der Rede von US- Präsident George W. Bush vor der Nationalen Stiftung für Demokratie in Washington am 6. Oktober 2005 - schon 'ne Weile her, aber m.E. erwähnenswert:

In diesem neuen Jahrhundert wird die Freiheit erneut von Feinden bedroht, die entschlossen sind, Jahrzehnte des demokratischen Fortschritts rückgängig zu machen.
Die zivilisierte Welt weiß ganz genau, dass andere Fanatiker in der Geschichte, von Hitler über Stalin bis Pol Pot, ganze Nationen in Krieg und Genozid getrieben haben, bevor sie die Bühne der Weltgeschichte verließen. Böse Menschen, besessen von Begierden und ohne jegliches Gewissen, müssen sehr ernst genommen werden - wir müssen sie aufhalten, bevor sich ihre Verbrechen vervielfältigen können.
Die mörderische Ideologie der islamischen Extremisten ist die große Herausforderung unseres neuen Jahrhunderts. Dennoch ähnelt dieser Kampf auf vielerlei Art dem Kampf gegen den Kommunismus im letzten Jahrhundert.
Die Terroristen sind brutaler als jeder Feind, dem wir zuvor begegnet sind.
Wir werden niemals klein beigeben, niemals aufgeben, und niemals etwas Geringeres als den vollständigen Sieg akzeptieren.
Im Verlauf der Geschichte haben Tyrannen und Möchtegerntyrannen immer behauptet, ihre große Vision rechtfertige das Morden - womit sie anständige Menschen auf der ganzen Welt abschrecken.

Vollständige Übersetzung:

Zum Abschluss Joshua Bolten, Leiter des Büros des Weißen Hauses für Verwaltung und Budgetplanung, auf der Suche nach einem konkreten Lob für die Supreme Court- Kandidatin und langjährige Bush- Bekannte Harriet Miers:
"She is a very good bowler."


Geheimer Meister
16. September 2002
David Montgomery:
"Wir sind keine Heuschrecken, die ein Unternehmen zerschlagen. Wir sind langfristige Investoren und wollen das Geschäft verbessern."

Der Verleger Stefan von Holtzbrinck meint, daß der Heuschrecken-Vergleich
"Assoziationen zwischen Ungeziefer und Finanztum hervorruft - und mit der Zeit zwischen 1933 und 1945".

Dabei geht es doch heutzutage um Parasiten und nicht um Heuschrecken. Oder sind beide gar getrieben von der selben Motivation?

Biologen verwenden für 'Organismen, die zeitweise oder dauerhaft zur Befriedigung ihrer Nahrungsbedingungen auf Kosten anderer Lebewesen – ihren Wirten – leben', übereinstimmend die Bezeichnung 'Parasiten'

Das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium unter W. Clement , welches wohl eher Hartz IV Empfänger meint als "Heuschrecken".


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
"It was an epiphany.''

Rumsfeld über seinen beispiellosen Geistesblitz, die Aufständigen im Irak künftig trotz allgemein verbreiteter Definitionen nicht mehr "Aufständige" ("insurgents") zu nennen.


"Was wir die letzten Jahre gemacht haben, war eine Operation ohne ausreichend erklärte Diagnose und ohne Narkose. Dass der Patient geschrien hat, war klar."
Müntefering im Gespräch mit Autoren der ZEIT über die Probleme der SPD mit ihren MItgliedern.



Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
"That place is being run as well as any detention facility can be run."
Donald Rumsfeld über das Lager Guantanamo Bay (bei einer Veranstaltung des CFR)

Aus einer Presseerklärung von Scott McClellan:
"Well, I'd point out a couple of things. First of all, the U.N. team that was looking into this issue did not even visit Guantanamo Bay. They did not go down and see the facilities. They were offered the same kind of access that congressional leaders, who are responsible for oversight of these matters, have been provided. Yet, they declined to go down there."

Nun denn, das UN- Team verzichtete bekanntlich auf einen "Besuch", weil ihnen verboten wurde, mit Gefangenen zu reden. Warum wurde dies eigentlich untersagt?

"We know that these are dangerous terrorists that are being kept at Guantanamo Bay. They are people that are determined to harm innocent civilians, or harm innocent Americans. They were enemy combatants picked up on the battlefield in the war on terrorism. They are trained to provide false information. And al Qaeda training manuals talk about ways to disseminate false information and hope to get attention."

"It will be a long time before dick cheney can feel good about killing small animals again."
Jason Jones in der Daily Show


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Ein kleines update, um den Thread nicht verstauben zu lassen:

Franz Beckenbauer

Die Namen der vier Deutschen, die das US- amerikanische Nachrichtenmagazin „Time“ für seine Liste der einflußreichsten Menschen weltweit ausgewählt hat.

Hier die entsprechenden Erklärungen:
Benedikt XVI.

TIME: The People Who Shape Our World

Und noch ein etwas längeres Zitat:

Efraim Halevy, von 1998 - 2002 Direktor des Mossad und aktuell in den Medien präsent als Autor des Buches "Man in the Shadows. Inside the Middle East Crisis with a Man Who Led the Mossad", wurde vor kurzem in die Daily Show eingeladen, wo er u.a. über den Irak- Krieg sprach. Einige Aussagen fand ich nicht uninteressant, weshalb ich ein (unvollständiges) Transkript angefertigt habe. Ein Videomitschnitt des Gesprächs kann momentan noch auf der Internetseite von comedycentral angesehen werden:

Durch "[...]" gekennzeichnet sind wie immer Auslassungen, meist unnötige Satzfetzen, in der ersten Zeile jedoch etwas mehr. Also denn: Aus einem Gespräch zwischen Efraim Halevy und Jon Stewart in der Daily Show vom 24.04.06:

Stewart: What do you think of our CIA? [...] Are those guys knuckle-heads?

Halevy: No, I think some of them are the greatest people in the world.

S: Really?

H: Yes. I think some of them have done things which I know are the highest attainments in the field of intelligence in all times.

S: So, tell me what that is... Seriously, where is bin Laden? You know, 'cause we're looking for him... You know we're looking for him?

H: Absolutely. I think you'll find him.

S: [...] In terms of going into Iraq: How was it that the United States was so off base there? Did any of your guys ever call us and go "I think you're wrong about Curveball" or "I think you...", you know? Were you in the Iraqi game as well?

H: We were in the Iraqi game as well. I don't think we said anything about 'Curveball' or anything like that. I think that by large, the United States got it right with Iraq and not wrong with Iraq. [1]

S: Which United States are you talking about? [...] This one?

H: I'm talking about the United States.

S: So you're saying that there are still WMDs or what are you saying?

H: I'm saying that there could still be WMDs, yes.

S: In which country?

H: Even in Iraq.

S: Really?

H: Yes.

S: After all this time you don't think that if we found something like that we might bring it up to somebody?

H: You know, a few months after the end of the war you dug up a whole squadron of aircraft buried in the sand in Iraq. Don't you think that it might happen today or tomorrow or in a week from now that you dig up something else?

[1] Zu Curveball siehe etwa:


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Sonderbeitrag zur Feier von Stephen Colberts Zusammentreffen mit Präsident Bush:


-- Stewart @ Crossfire --
-- Colbert @ WHCA- Dinner --

Part I - Jon Stewart am 15.10.2004 in der CNN- Sendung "Crossfire":

STEWART: I'm here to confront you, because we need help from the media - and they're hurting us. [...]
See, the thing is, we need your help. Right now, you're helping the politicians and the corporations. And we're left out there to mow our lawns.

BEGALA: By beating up on them? You just said we're too rough on them when they make mistakes.

STEWART: No, no, no, you're not too rough on them. You're part of their strategies. You are partisan, what do you call it, hacks.

STEWART: I watch your show every day. And it kills me. I's so -- oh, it's so painful to watch.

BEGALA: I have a lot of friends who work for President Bush. I went to college with some of them. [...]
They actually believe what they're saying. They want to persuade you. That's what they're trying to do by spinning. But I don't doubt for a minute these people who work for President Bush, who I disagree with on everything, they believe that stuff, Jon. [...]

STEWART: I think they believe President Bush would do a better job.
And I believe the Kerry guys believe President Kerry would do a better job. But what I believe is, they're not making honest arguments. So what they're doing is, in their mind, the ends justify the means.

STEWART: This is such a great opportunity you have here to actually get politicians off of their marketing and strategy.

CARLSON: Is this really Jon Stewart? What is this, anyway?

STEWART: Yes, it's someone who watches your show and cannot take it anymore.

Ach ja, nicht zu vergessen ;) :
QUESTION: My question is, what do you think the hump on G.W.'s back during the debate was?

STEWART: Say it again?

QUESTION: What do you think the hump on George's back during the debate was?

STEWART: The hump on his back?

BEGALA: Oh, you're familiar? This is (INAUDIBLE) conspiracy theory. Can I take this one?

STEWART: Yes, please.

BEGALA: It was nothing, his suit was puckering. A lot of people believe he had one of these in his ear. If he was being fed lines by Karl Rove, he would not have been so inarticulate, guys. It's a myth.

Mehr davon im Transkript der "Crossfire"- Folge mit Jon Stewart:


Part II - Stephen Colbert am 29.4.2006 beim White House Correspondents' Association Dinner:

Mark Smith, ladies and gentlemen of the press corps, Madame First Lady, Mr. President, my name is Stephen Colbert and tonight it's my privilege to celebrate this president. We're not so different, he and I. We get it. We're not brainiacs on the nerd patrol. We're not members of the factinista. We go straight from the gut, right sir? That's where the truth lies, right down here in the gut. Do you know you have more nerve endings in your gut than you have in your head? You can look it up.
I know some of you are going to say "I did look it up, and that's not true." That's 'cause you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut.

I believe the government that governs best is the government that governs least. And by these standards, we have set up a fabulous government in Iraq.

I stand by this man. I stand by this man because he stands for things. Not only for things, he stands on things. Things like aircraft carriers and rubble and recently flooded city squares. And that sends a strong message, that no matter what happens to America, she will always rebound -- with the most powerfully staged photo ops in the world.

Who's Britannica to tell me the Panama Canal was built in 1914? If I want to say it was built in 1941, that's my right as an American! I'm with the president, let history decide what did or did not happen.

Over the last five years you people were so good -- over tax cuts, WMD intelligence, the effect of global warming. We Americans didn't want to know, and you had the courtesy not to try to find out. Those were good times, as far as we knew.

Write that novel you got kicking around in your head. You know, the one about the intrepid Washington reporter with the courage to stand up to the administration. You know - fiction!

"Oh, they're just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic." First of all, that is a terrible metaphor. This administration is not sinking. This administration is soaring. If anything, they are rearranging the deck chairs on the Hindenburg!

Die vollständige Rede samt Text des anschließend gezeigten Videos von Stephen Colbert und Helen Thomas:

Stephen Colbert im "Colbert Report" vom 1.5.2006 über die Rede beim WHCA- Dinner:

I delivered the closing speech and needless to say, the audience could not contain their excitement.

The crowd practically carried me out on their shoulders. Although I wasn't actually ready to leave.

Blog- Eintrag zum Thema:

Narrenfreiheit im 21. Jahrhundert



Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
„Nur wer arbeitet, soll auch essen“
Franz Müntefering (SPD)

„Im Anbetracht von fünf Millionen Arbeitslosen ist das zumindest äußerst missverständlich.“
Olaf Scholz (SPD, Parlamentarischer Geschäftsführer)

Im Kontext:

"Alle können beruhigt sein: Ich habe alles Talent, innerhalb von zwei Tagen richtigen Krach zu machen. Das könnte ich. Will ich aber nicht."
Münteferings Reaktion auf die Vorwürfe, er mache es Angela Merkel zu leicht.

Die Decknamen eines Buchautoren und ehemaligen FOCUS- Journalisten, der vom BND bis 1998 über 600.000 Mark für Informationen erhielt.

"Notfalls gehen wir auch wieder auf den Acker. Wir können das noch. Die Transparente sind noch auf dem Dachboden."
Fritz Kuhn (Grüne) über eine mögliche Abkehr vom Atomausstieg.

"Man kann Integrationsprobleme nicht einfach verkleiden."
Jan-Hendrik Olbertz (parteilos, Kultusminister Sachsen- Anhalt) über die aktuelle Debatte bzgl. Schuluniformen.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
"We cannot build a unified country by inciting people to anger, or playing on anyones fears, or exploiting the issue of immigration for political gain. "
President Bush's Address on Immigration, 16 May 2006

"Wir haben einen Bundespräsidenten, der immer Sparkassendirektor geblieben ist"
Pressemeldungen zufolge der Kommentar eines sozialdemokratischen Regierungsmitglieds zu Köhler.

@ Ein_Liberaler:

Das Zitat soll angeblich auf den Apostel Paulus zurückgehen ("So jemand nicht will arbeiten, der soll auch nicht essen."), außerdem wird es Stalin und auch August Bebel zugeschrieben. Münte bewegt sich somit in einer gewissen Tradition, doch ob ein solcher Ausspruch in Anbetracht von Massenarbeitslosigkeit in eine Hartz IV- Diskussion passt, ist eine Frage für sich - die in einem eigenen Thread erörtert werden sollte, falls entsprechendes Interesse besteht.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they have in Iraq, I will tell you quite honestly.

Ich sage Ihnen ganz ehrlich, so eine Demokratie wie im Irak wollen wir ganz bestimmt nicht.

Putin auf einer Pressekonferenz im Rahmen des G8- Gipfels als Antwort auf die Bemerkung von Bush, dass es ja nun im Irak eine freie Presse und Religionsfreiheit gebe, und viele Menschen hoffen würden, dass in Russland bald "das Gleiche" geschieht.

Reaktion von Bush.



Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Hier mal wieder ein paar Zitate für die Sammlung ;) :

"Ask a simple question: If the US withdraws, does it make Osama bin Laden happy or sad?"
Tony Snow im Interview mit John Gibson, FOX News, Januar 2007

Nation, there are no words that capture the spirit of freedom better than 'We respect your first amendment right to free speech, however...' - why isn't 'however' in the constitution?
Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report 27.02.2007

Alberto Gonzales prepares to testify before Congress. Unfortunately for him, he's legalized a lot more ways of making him talk.
Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report, 16.04.2007

Jon Stewart & Daily Show's Senior Military Correspondent Rob Riggle:
RIGGLE: Here's what has to happen for this plan to suceed: We have to work with the Shia militia to crush the Sunni insurgency. Once the Sunnis have been eliminated, we will then have to fight the mainly Shiite military to keep the country from falling under the influence of Iran.

STEWART: But how do we do that?

RIGGLE: By allying ourselves with the radical Shiite Muqtada al-Sadr, an anti- Iranian cleric. [...] Pretty simple, once the Shiites have been crushed, with the help of al-Sadr, we must crush al-Sadr - with the help of the Kurds in the north, whom we will then join with the Turks to crush.

STEWART: Who is then left to run Iraq?

RIGGLE: The Amish. Just outside Kirkuk there is a small Amish colony. [...] They're a humble, hard working, peace loving people. And as they live without electricity, current conditions in Iraq leave them unaffected.
Daily Show, 11.1.2007


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
"Christ is the savior for whom they were silently longing"

Papst Benedikt XVI. auf einer Konferenz in Brasilien über die Missionierung der lateinamerikanischen Ureinwohner.

Es folgt ein kleines Alberto Gonzales- Special (alles aus der Anhörung vom 10.05.):

NADLER: Well, let me give you a different statement, then.

The recent ABC/Washington Post poll reports that 67 percent of the American people believe that the firings of U.S. attorneys were for political reasons, not for performance-based reasons. And, indeed, former Deputy Attorney General Comey said that the people who were fired had the highest performance, that they weren't for performance-based reasons.

If the American people don't believe you about this matter, how can they have confidence in other things you claim or that public corruption cases brought by your department are not similarly based on political considerations?

GONZALES: I think the American people are most concerned about the things that I alluded to earlier, Congressman. And that is, is our country safe from terrorism? Are we making our neighborhoods safe? Are we protecting our kids?

I will work as hard as I can -- working with this committee and working with DOJ employees -- to reassure the American people that this department is focused on doing its job.

WATERS: OK. So you're recused and you can't talk about whether or not you believe that this committee should have unredacted copies of documents that we have been trying to get that are pertinent to these firings. You're recused from that. You have no opinion about whether or not the oversight committee of Congress should have those documents. You did not look at the files of the people who have been in the news for weeks now where you have been accused, your department, of politically motivated firings, you don't know whether they were good employees, they were bad employees, whether or not they'd been reprimanded, suspended, advised or anything. You know nothing, is that correct?

GONZALES: That is not correct.

WATERS: What do you know, Mr. Attorney General?

GONZALES: Well, generally about this whole matter, Congresswoman?

WATERS: What would you like to tell us? You're here today, and you know what we're focused on.


COHEN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Attorney General, I want to follow up a little bit on Congressman Wexler's questions. You said you don't know who put Mr. Iglesias on the list. Is that correct?

GONZALES: That is correct.

COHEN: But you said you knew the president and the vice president didn't. How do you know they didn't?

GONZALES: Well, I... I just know that they would not do that.

PENCE: I also want to thank you for the admissions and the candor and the humility that you've reflected today.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
Any modern democratic system protects the right to privacy, but doesn’t the public have a right to know what their political leaders are talking about when they meet the wealthiest business leaders of their respective countries?
Daniel Estulin in einem Artikel zum jüngsten Bilderberg-Treffen.

Azerbaijan, containing the riches of the Caspian Sea basin and Central Asia, is a case in point. From the U.S. perspective, the independence of the Central Asian states can be rendered nearly meaningless if Azerbaijan becomes fully subordinated to Moscow's control.
Daniel Estulin im zuvor genannten Artikel.

"I look forward to having conversations with President Putin, not only at the G8 but up in the United States, when he comes over. And my message will be: Vladimir - I call him Vladimir - you shouldn't fear a missile defense system."
Bush vor dem G8-Gipfel (5. Juni).

Und noch zwei aus der ZEIT übernommene Zitate:

"Ich bin gut informiert. Ich weiß viel. Ich habe viel Material."
Horst Seehofer, wegen seiner Liebesaffäre unter Druck geratener CSU-Politiker, über das Privatleben seiner Kollegen.

"Dies ist George Bushs Krieg. Er ist verantwortlich für diesen krieg, er hat ihn bgeonnen, er hat ihn geführt, er hat ihn eskalieren lassen, und er weigert sich, ihn zu beenden."
Hillary Clinton, potenzielle Kandidatin für die nächsten Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA, zur Irakpolitik von George W. Bush.

Zum letzten Zitat eine Anmerkung: Der Kommentar, mit dem DIE ZEIT das Clinton-Zitat versehen hat, ist etwas irreführend. Hillary Clinton wurde u.a. von Edwards vor allem wegen ihrer Zurückhaltung in der Irak-Debatte kritisiert - sie verteidigte sich also gegen Vorwürfe aus ihrer eigenen Partei, indem sie die Verantwortung für die gegenwärtige Situation im Irak auf Bush allein - bzw. die Republikaner - abzuwälzen versuchte.


Ritter Rosenkreuzer
20. März 2003
"All presidents look better after they’re dead, and George W. Bush can count on that."
Robert Novak, konservativer politischer Kommentator.

"Al-Qaeda would have been a heck of a lot stronger today had we not stayed on the offensive."
George W. Bush

"We should be clear that despite a resurgent al-Qaeda threat and some of their capabilities, they are weaker today than they would have been if we had not taken strong action against them over the last five and a half years. Furthermore, when we discuss al-Qaeda's capabilities, we must put it in the context of a stronger, more capable U.S. government."
White House Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend

"So far we have had very few visuals to confirm what Americans want to believe."
Der ehemalige Fox-News-Nachrichtensprecher und gegenwärtige Pressesprecher von George W. Bush, Tony Snow über die Bilder aus dem Irak (12. Juli 2007).

"You know what a fake news show on FOX News should give you? Real news!"
Lewis Black über "The 1/2 Hour News Hour" von FOX News, Daily Show vom 27.06.07.


MICHAEL MOORE: You have to ask the questions.


MICHAEL MOORE: Why are we here? That's the question. Why are we here in this war? Where's the weapons of mass destruction? Why didn't you -- why did it take you so long, Wolf, to finally take on Vice President Cheney? It took you to 2007 before you made the man mad at you.

WOLF BLITZER: Those are fair questions.

MICHAEL MOORE: I mean, four years!

WOLF BLITZER: Look, let's talk a little --

MICHAEL MOORE: Where were you?

WOLF BLITZER: Alright, well, just to be -- in fairness, we had a lot of commercials for SiCKO that we’ve been running on CNN, as well, so, you know, we have commercials. This is a business, obviously, but let's talk a little bit about one of the --

MICHAEL MOORE: You have a nightly medical report. You have something called The Daily Dose. I watch CNN. You have it every day, The Daily Dose, sponsored by fill-in-the-blank. And you are funded by these people day in and day out. Don’t even compare that to my movie being out for a couple of weeks and a couple of rinky-dink ads for fifteen seconds.

WOLF BLITZER: No, I would say that -- I don’t know if you’re familiar with --

MICHAEL MOORE: Come on! Come on, Wolf!

WOLF BLITZER: No, no, no. I don’t know if you’re familiar with Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s record, but I would stack up his record on medical issues with virtually anyone in the business.


Zum gleichen Thema im Colbert Report vom 19.7.07:

MICHAEL MOORE: I just want people to realize that that network, like most of the news — not just CNN, but all the broadcast news — there's a drug ad, every other ad, every night, telling their story, pushing their product, and so they're funded by these people and they don't dare go against what they want to have happen, and so I come along with my film and, for a couple of hours I'm saying, "Here's the other side of the story that you're not being told on the nightly news."

STEPHEN COLBERT: But a pharmaceutical company pays for the time of the nightly news. They get to own that time. They own Wolf Blitzer's ass for that period of time.

MICHAEL MOORE: Yes, that is correct.

STEPHEN COLBERT: I am proudly owned by my sponsors. I will never say one thing against the Pasta Pro™ pasta strainer.

MICHAEL MOORE: Right. And that's why you'll have a long and successful career.


MICHAEL MOORE: And so, your point is ... ?

STEPHEN COLBERT: That I have a healthy relationship with my sponsors. And that's how TV works.

MICHAEL MOORE: In other words, it's not really about telling the truth.

STEPHEN COLBERT: No, we are selling things.


Und mal wieder ein kleines Gonzales-Special (wird wohl nicht das letzte sein):

GONZALES: Well, in connection with this review process that Mr. [Kyle] Sampson was coordinating, what was presented to me was a list of seven individuals, on December 7. And so those are the seven that I accepted the recommendation to ask for resignation ... I'm not aware, sitting here today, of any other U.S. attorney who was asked to leave, except there were some instances where people were asked to leave, quite frankly, because there was legitimate cause.

FEINSTEIN: So you're saying these were asked to leave because the cause was not legitimate?

GONZALES: I'm not saying -- no, what I'm saying is wrongdoing, misconduct. There may been some -- in fact, I'm sure there were others ...

FEINSTEIN: What kind of misconduct?

GONZALES: Well, for -- and I'm not suggesting any of this conduct happened, but, for example, an inappropriate relationship, taking action where you have a direct conflict of interest, to help out a buddy, making a -- you know, those kinds of -- something like that, I would say, would constitute misconduct. And there ...

FEINSTEIN: Were those specific things involved in any U.S. attorney that was terminated?

LEAHY: Good question.

GONZALES: No. With respect to the seven and with respect to Mr. Cummins and with respect to Mr. Graves, I am not aware that -- certainly, it wasn't, in my mind, a problem or basis to accept the recommendation that they be asked to leave.

GONZALES: Senator, there are certain activities that are clearly beyond the pale and that everyone would agree should be prohibited. And so, obviously, the president is very, very supportive of those actions that are identified by its terms in the executive order.

There are certain other activities where it is not so clear, Senator. And, again, it's for those reasons that I can't discuss them in the public ... of course, the president said we're not going to torture. We're bound by both the international law -- we don't engage in torture.


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