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Geheimer Meister
12. April 2002

nachdem ich nun mehrere Jahre immer wieder zu den schwierigen, nicht gerade Lichtblicke stiftenden Aspekten gepostet habe, möchte ich Euch nun meine lichte "Gegenwelt" in der ich lebe, nicht vorenthalten. Ich bin schon seit "Ewigkeit" Bahai und möchte hiermit meine Religion vorstellen, die ein wahrer Lichtblick in diesem finsteren Zeitalter ist, wie ich finde.

Also, für offene, interessierte Herzen und ggf. Sucher, die das noch nicht kennen ..

www.bahai.de u.v.m. unter "bahai" googeln, bahai.org usf.

Eine Kernaussage : "Die Erde ist nur eine Heimat und alle Menschen sind ihre Brüder"

Hier ein Bahai - Webradio - Sender ( 24h ), man muß sich nur ein kleines Tool runterladen, es installiert sich selbst und schon klappts ... : www.radionur.com. Hier bekommt man einen schönen, atmosphärischen Eindruck ..




31. August 2004
Na ich Hoffe Du hast Dich damit auseinander gesetzt:

Freedom of expression within the Bahá'í Faith:

Although Bahá'ís have been very active in the promotion of freedom of expression around the world, there are significant restrictions on freedoms of individual Baha'i members. 2,3 These are enforced through shunning or expelling non-conforming adherents. Some examples are:
bullet Gay males and lesbians in monogamous, committed relationships who have held union services to recognize their partnerships have had their religious rights removed. Similarly, heterosexual Baha'i couples who were married in a non-Baha'i ceremony have had their rights removed.
bullet The Bahá'í authorities have imposed pre-publication censorship on all material written by members about the Faith. Until recently, all such material has to be first scanned by a review committee of the Bahá'í National Spiritual Assembly of the country in which the text is to be published. This was a temporary policy introduced many decades ago. It was slightly modified in 2001-JAN for U.S. materials. Censorship responsibility has been transferred to local authorities. No changes have been made elsewhere in the world.
bullet The "Talisman" mailing list was closed down in 1996-MAY, after several of its prominent academic posters were investigated at the orders of the Baha'i World Center in Haifa, Israel. Several, including the list owner, were allegedly threatened with being shunned ("coming into conflict with the Covenant") if they did not fall silent. 4 Baha'i authorities have denied that they caused the list to close. Juan Cole was one of those allegedly threatened. He resigned from the faith in 1996-MAY, but declared his private belief in Baha'u'llah in 1999-FEB. He maintains a new talisman list. 5
bullet The Bahá'í electoral process does not permit public nominations or discussion of the candidates. As a result, there has been no change in the nine person US National Spiritual Assembly since 1961, except for those caused by deaths, retirements, or a member leaving the country.
bullet Michael McKenny, a Canadian fantasy writer was expelled from the church because of views expressed in his Emails.



Why fight it?

It's not that the Bahá'í Faith is the most horrible religion ever conceived, nor is it significant enough to be a threat to the welfare of humanity, but those of us who have experienced it first-hand and managed to wrest our minds free of its little tyranny — we know the harm it can do to persons, though the scope of its influence be small. We who know the harm it can do: are we not duty-bound to bear witness against it?



Geheimer Meister
12. April 2002
Malakim : Natürlich habe ich mich damit auseinandergesetzt ..

Hier ist ein sehr schönesgesungenes Bahai Gebet von einer Bahai verfaßt und vertont ... - auf Link gehen und auf Öffnen ( dann wird es nur abgespielt ) oder Speichern ..




31. August 2004
Salina schrieb:
Malakim : Natürlich habe ich mich damit auseinandergesetzt ..

Na dann ist ja gut :wink:

Ich war schon in Sorge *lol*

Danke für die Links übrigens mein Mangel an religiöser Bildung wurde dadurch mal wieder etwas geschmälert.

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