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This mysterious society has been established because sombody thought his secret society had to face the threat of loosing its secretness according to Alexandra Robbins to GNN. Here the statement:
Read more about Skull & Bones in the interview. Alexandra Robbins wrote a book about this 'secret' society. Its time to bust them up.

This mysterious society has been established because sombody thought his secret society had to face the threat of loosing its secretness according to Alexandra Robbins to GNN. Here the statement:
Robbins: Sometime in the late 1820s or the early 1830s, a Yale student named William H. Russell went abroad to study in Germany. Over there, he must have been inspired by some German secret society that used the skull and crossbones logo. He may have come across some traces of the Illuminati, but in either case, when he came back to Yale he found that his secret society at the time, which was Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society, had suddenly been stripped of its secrecy in the face of the anti-Masonic fever. He was angry that his society was no longer secret and, inspired by his experiences in Germany, he decided to start a chapter of the German organization in America that eventually became known as Skull & Bones. One of the members of that founding class was Alfonso Taft, the Judge and the father of William Howard Taft, so Skull & Bones from the very beginning was a secret and prestigious organization.
Read more about Skull & Bones in the interview. Alexandra Robbins wrote a book about this 'secret' society. Its time to bust them up.