Zum Bombenanschlag auf Hotel in Jakarta

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Ritter Rosenkreuzer
10. April 2002
es gab ja letzten dienstag diesen anschlag auf ein hotel in jakarta.
schwuppdiwupp sind die täter ausgmacht, die üblichen verdächtigen:

Jemaah Islamiyah soll hinter Anschlag in Jakarta stecken
Radikal-islamische Gruppe besitzt Verbindungen zu Al Qaida - Behörden verstärken Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
...Die Bombe, die in einem Toyota-Kleintransporter versteckt war, explodierte gegen 12.45 Uhr vor der Lobby des "JW Marriott"-Hotels im Geschäftsviertel von Jakarta.


soweit so gut bzw. schlecht.

auf folgender seite macht sich jemand darüber gedanken, wie eine bombe, die vor der lobby (also ausserhalb des hotels) hochging, die ihr angedachte zerstörung anrichten konnte:

The second Mega clue was the crater, or rather the lack of one. Though I searched diligently this proved impossible to find on the western corporate video footage, but I was finally sent a picture by a contact in Indonesia. Now then people, remember the corporate media has told you that the “Toyota Van” was parked in the driveway outside the front of the Marriott hotel, meaning that the media bomb must have generated a surface blast, which is incapable of digging any crater at all because the shock wave always takes the line of least resistance, i.e. to atmosphere. Remember also that the only bombs which make craters are pointy ones dropped at high velocity from aircraft, or those located underground in advance of [remote] detonations.

It is here that we bump into our most monstrous problem, and also uncover the explanation of why no aerial photographs of the Marriott Hotel have managed to find their way into your living room. The explosion was not in the driveway outside the hotel, but inside the lobby itself, as shown in the photographs below. Worse still, the explosion actually occurred BELOW the lobby in the hotel basement, proved by the emergency services worker climbing down a ladder in the crater to get closer to ground zero. Also note the unmistakable pattern of the glass shattering outwards, away from the interior of the hotel lobby.

Believe me when I say that this was a weapon of staggering power, with an awesome shock wave to match. First the shock wave had to burst up through the 24” reinforced concrete floor of the lobby, then retain enough power to continue upwards and punch and even bigger hole through the 12” reinforced concrete lobby roof. Even after doing all of that work, the shock wave was still travelling fast enough to trash all of the reinforced laminated windows in the 25-floor condominium building next door to the hotel.

auch das im vorfeld der explosion scheinbar evakuierungen gab, gibt zu denken:

Certainly the timely evacuation explains the apparent miracle that no American, British or Australian politicians or officials died or were even injured in the Marriott Hotel, which is situated at the very heart of the diplomatic district in Jakarta. The Marriott opened in September 2001 and is the five-star hotel of choice for western diplomats and others snuffling around in the taxpayer-funded trough, yet not one of them received so much as a simple scratch. Unbelievable!

The corporate media appeared to be worried that someone somewhere might notice this glaring discrepancy, so paraded a couple of “Australian businessmen” who had been “in their hotel rooms when the bomb exploded”, thereby immediately covering up the reality of the early evacuation by senior management. One of these witnesses claimed to have been hurled right across his hotel room by the blast, though his appearance said exactly the opposite: Snowy white T shirt with not a mark on it, combed hair with no dust or glass fragments marring its perfect appearance, and not a single scratch anywhere on his body. Naturally enough, the flying glass alone should have turned him into a ragged and blood soaked mess.

ausserdem wurde 4,5 stunden vorher von amerikanischer seite eine buchung über 10-20 hotelzimmern storniert.

America’s credibility problems with this vicious bombing do not end there. Detik.com, a respectable Indonesia media outlet has claimed that the US Embassy cancelled a major booking at the Marriott Hotel only 4.5 hours before the weapon exploded. This English translation is credited to WhatReallyHappened.com:
“There was something interesting happened just hours before the explosion shocked the JW Marriott Hotel, Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta. The US Embassy cancelled the booking of 10-20 rooms in that hotel. The cancellation was on 8.00 West Indonesian Time, Tuesday, or only 4.5 hours before the explosion.


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