Violence and Culture

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Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
hi there,

I'm looking for a topic concerning "Violence and Culture" which
at least covers 10 to 15 pages. There are no real restrictions in
topic or content. I can write about violence in music, movies,
modern literature and even comics...

First thoughts brought me to "Back-Masking and its consequences"
but now I'm thinking that it won't fill 10 pages or something like that.

Now it's your turn. Do you got any ideas what I could write about?
And a strict topic definition is necessary in order to be on topic.



Ritter Kadosch
10. April 2002
what about comics?

japanese vs. american vs. french vs. german...

what about music?

black metal vs. straight edge...

what about movies?

early years vs. now...


Meister vom Königlichen Gewölbe
10. April 2002
what about governmental violence (ie. police beats up demonstrants)? seems to me it'd fill the pages :)


Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
sure, would do. but today it struck my brain...
i'll write about autodestructism in music and music business.
good examples: kurt cobain, jimi hendrix, jim morrison.
nice quote from bob dylan:

"Suicide remarks our torn"



Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002

final topic:
Helter Skelter – The Beatles’ influence on Charles Manson and society


Helter Skelter – Charles Manson influenced by the Beatles and his impact on society

what do you think?



Ritter Kadosch
10. April 2002
Hm, I think there´s already been a lot of writing about this and it seems a little bit worn out to me.


Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
might be true agent.
but i made up my mind...i'll go for this topic.

can anybody decode those scribbles?


Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
Helter Skelter

Charles Manson’s vision of the world and “The Manson Murders”

A. The fascination of mass murderers

B. The case “Charles Manson and the Family”

I. Manson short biography

II. Manson’s vision of the world
a) The Beatles’ influence on Manson
b) Helter Skelter

III. The “Tate-LaBianca” case
a) The Family’s role
b) Crime scene L.A.
c) Manson and his Family in court

IV. Coping with the events
a) Manson merchandised
b) Polanski’s MacBeth

C. Psychopath Pop-Star Manson



Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002

what do you think if you read this bibliography for
a ca. 19 page-long paper on the topic above (some
minor changes included).


Bugliosi, Vincent. Helter Skelter: The True Story of THE MANSON MURDERS. New York, 1974.

Emmons, Nuel. Manson in His Own Words. New York, 1988.

Inglis, Ian. The Beatles, popular music and society. Basingstoke, 2000.

MacDonaly, Ian. The Revolution in the Head: The "Beatles" Records and the Sixties. London, 1997.

Turner, Steve. A Hard Day’s Write: The Beatles. Die Geschichte zu jedem Song. Schlüchtern, 2002.


Vorsteher und Richter
24. Juni 2002
alrighty, despite your overwhelming reactions ;):
I got a 2,0 for my paper. some n00b-mistakes (but not in style or language!)
eliminated my 1,x chances but nevermind.

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